The SapphireK12™ Learning Management System (LMS) is a completely paperless system that documents individual learning goals, tracks progress and presents data for supervising the learning process and improving performance. The LMS is fully integrated with all SapphireK12™ modules and provides the most powerful Gradebook on the market. It allows educators to create and manage instructional content, while making learning more engaging, collaborative and effective.
Teacher gradebook
The LMS manages grades, assignments, lesson plans, updates calendars and more, allowing you to design your own grading scales and enter marks by number, letter, comment or special symbol. Teachers have the ease and convenience of using Teacher Gradebook for grades, attendance and discipline referrals. As with other SapphireK12™ modules, the Teacher Gradebook sign-on has Active Directory Integration (LDAP) and is accessed with the same login used for all modules and integrated products.
Test builder
Enables teachers to create any type of online test, homework or survey; set time limits; shuffle questions; monitor, auto-grade and allow retakes. District, building, grade, subject or common core-level question banks encourage the use of proven standards and districtwide sharing. Images, audio, video, threaded discussions and digital content can be added to course web pages. By combining the capabilities of the Teacher Gradebook and Test Builder, teachers are able to author and deliver virtual courses and classrooms.
Test authoring
Design and incorporate any type of questions and answers for tests, including multiple choice, true and false, matching, numeric, short answer and essay. Teachers can preview each test and add comments to student responses. Tests can be assigned to any single SapphireK12™ Teacher Gradebook course or to multiple courses.
Question banks
Sharing questions with colleagues and organizing them by author, course type, grade level, subject and state standard are all built-in features. District staff is able to search question banks to incorporate any question combination.
Test monitoring dashboard
Track and monitor any test by course, or view all courses quickly and efficiently. Follow a single student or the entire class’ progress in real-time to see which students have finished answering questions, questions that are correct, partially correct or incorrect, length of time it took to complete answers, questions that have no student response and which students have not started testing. Tests can be automatically graded by the software, or manually graded by the teacher and seamlessly added to the Teacher Gradebook.
Course web page
Incorporate course web pages creating an online destination–enhancing two-way communication while adding course instruction and content. Leverage and organize any digital content to strengthen the students learning experience, including threaded discussions, Word documents, Excel, PowerPoint, video, images and other information.
Virtual classrooms
The SapphireK12™ Teacher Grade Book produces and manages virtual classrooms that are integrated with Test Builder, Community Portal and Class Pages. Complementing the Virtual Classroom’s core functionality, the following tools have been added to expand the scope and capabilities of the LMS: Forums, Drop Box, Page, Sub Headers, Lesson Plans, File Folders, Glossary, Insert Tables, Upload Images, Upload Video, Manage Font Size, Type and Color.
Lesson planner
Teachers can quickly set up lesson plans, copy and paste, delete or add new information, and print or email plans. The Lesson Planner fully integrates with the Teacher Gradebook, providing daily lesson plans for each class and allowing administrators to view lesson plans and leave comments for the teacher. A drag and drop feature allows teachers to easily copy or move lesson plans from one day to another (or one class to another.) State standards and grades can also be associated with assignments, allowing teachers, administrators and parents to track student performance.
Elementary report cards
Provides detailed feedback to parents regarding their child’s progress toward specific grade-level learning standards and tracks skills within each subject area, providing students and parents with detailed learning status by subject area and quarter, as compared with state and district academic standards.
Discipline referral
Creates discipline referrals for behavioral issues that occur during school hours. Parents, teachers and administrators are able to view and track discipline referrals by student, classroom, grade and school.
Assessment tracker
Stores student performance data, and stores years of students’ work in diverse areas such as writing, mathematics and art. The Assessment Tracker provides a comprehensive portfolio of student work and progress.
Curriculum manager
Curriculum Management, Lesson Planner and Assessment Tracker work together to bridge the gap between state standards and actual classroom practices. This tool provides teachers and administrators with a true framework to organize curriculum, instruction, assessment and reporting.
Moodle import wizard
Teachers now have the capability to easily import any Moodle content (via a backup file) directly into any SapphireK12™ Teacher Grade Book course and/or section(s). Prior to importing, users can omit items or portions of the Moodle content, or permit all content to import directly into any Community Portal Course Page. Teachers can copy or migrate the SapphireK12™ Teacher Gradebook “Course Page” to the current school year for any course accessible by the teacher.